The Joker film finally aired in Indonesian theaters. In the film, the Joker character is depicted suffering from a disorder that often makes him laugh, even though in a sad state. Did you know that pseudobulbar affect has the typical symptoms experienced by the Joker? Then, what does pseudobulbar affect? Check out the following explanation. Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) is a disorder in the nervous system that makes a person suddenly laugh or cry without being triggered by any cause. These sudden emotional changes often make sufferers feel ashamed, anxious, depressed, to isolate themselves from the environment. Symptoms of Pseudobulbar Affect The following are symptoms that are often experienced by people with PBA: Suddenly crying or laughing. Laugh loudly when feeling sad or depressed, but crying when feeling happy. Laughter or crying lasts longer than normal people. Facial expressions that do not match emotions. Suddenly turns frustrated or angry. These symptoms usually appe...